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Arizona Language Schools

Arizona Language Schools

Arizona Language Schools (AZLS) is a unique establishment dedicated to providing enriching learning experiences through its focus on language proficiency. As its name suggests, AZLS performs as a charter school with a special emphasis on nurturing the linguistic abilities of its students. Their methodology merges conventional academic structure with immersive language programs in order to cultivate a rich, global perspective within their students. The institution caters to both an early childhood program as well as a grade school, with the key mission statement "Non Scholae Sed Vitae Discimus" resonating throughout their ethos, which translates to “We do not learn for school, but for life”.

Opening its doors in 2010 under the title "The French American School of Arizona", AZLS has consistently grown and adapted to the educational needs of its demographic. Initially focusing on a French curriculum, the school expanded in 2022 to include a Spanish immersion program, marking a significant milestone in AZLS history. The institution prides itself on its ability to foster a learning environment where students are exposed to the benefits of bilingual education. They maintain small class sizes, ensuring individual attention and an environment conducive to learning. Beyond education, the school also engages in several other activities, including hosting events like Parent Teacher Conferences, Hispanic Heritage Special Event, and Fall picture day further nurturing a sense of community within the school.

With the globalized world growing more interconnected every day, institutions like AZLS serve a crucial role in preparing students to navigate this complexity. Offering the chance to master a second language like French or Spanish – each of which is official in over 20 countries worldwide – arms AZLS's students with the skills necessary to engage with diverse cultures and communities around the globe. This will undoubtedly open up remarkable opportunities both in their personal and career lives. To make the difference even clearer, AZLS promotes transparency and encourage charitable donations and a corporate giving ethos. Not just a place to gain academic knowledge, Arizona Language Schools drives home the importance of learning for life.

Company Details


2031 N Arizona Ave #2, Chandler, AZ 85225, United States