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New Vistas Academy

New Vistas Academy

New Vistas Academy, based in Chandler, Arizona, provides an enriching and supportive academic environment spanning preschool through sixth grade. Distinguishing itself from other educational institutions, New Vistas emphasizes individualized learning and character development, priding on its unique curriculum and personalized approach. This prominent academy has been educating students for over 40 years, contributing to creating future entrepreneurs, innovators, and thinkers.

The Academy caters to a diverse range of learning needs and ages, creating a holistic academic ecosystem that fosters growth and intellectual curiosity. Individualized Home Reading Programs and highly skilled personal coaches provide tailored attention to students, promoting learning at their own pace. This attention to bespoke learning is complemented by rigorous assessments designed to identify baselines for growth and create data-driven instructional plans. Beyond academic prowess, New Vistas places a strong emphasis on character development, underlining the importance of self-awareness, organizational skills, efficient study habits, and a positive work ethic in its students. To facilitate this enriched experience, the Academy is governed by co-directors, Carol Elias and Kristi Roher, alongside a team of devoted and experienced professionals.

New Vistas Academy stands apart in its commitment to developing not just academic proficiency, but also individual character and self-awareness. It's a place where traditional boundaries of learning are stretched, and individual potential is nurtured through specially designed curricula. The Academy, with its four-decade-long commitment to individualized progressive education, positions itself as a unique and compelling choice for those who seek an education that empowers students to exceed not just academically, but personally. Investing in an education at New Vistas means investing in a multi-dimensional future where learning truly has no ceiling.

Company Details


670 N Arizona Ave, Chandler, AZ 85225, United States