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Stonegate Park

Stonegate Park

Stonegate Park, based in Chandler, Arizona stands as a public utility conferred by the City of Chandler. It is open to its users from the early morning hours at 6 till night at 10:30. It is designed to serve as a multifaceted location for leisure and recreation for the citizens of Chandler.

The park provides a diverse range of amenities to promote wellness and social interaction among its visitors. Included in its list of amenities are basketball and sand volleyball courts for team sports, pavilions for communal gatherings, walking trails for dedicated walkers and nature enthusiasts, and a playground for younger visitors. Stonegate park is recognized as an official property of Chandler City and is thus maintained and serviced by the City's administration.

Chandler City's initiative in maintaining and promoting Stonegate Park reflects the city’s dedication towards fostering communities. The park, with its multitude of offerings, serves as a platform for individuals of all age groups to participate in recreational activities and enjoy outdoor experiences. Stonegate Park is not just a place for leisure, but also a space where individuals and families can get together, fostering a sense of community, sharing experiences and making memories.

Company Details


1650 N Ithica St, Chandler, AZ 85225, United States